Cascadia Signal Hunt

Kyle's DX Logs

Surfing the radio waves of Cascadia since 2013!

Welcome to my interactive DX Log webpage, offering a visualization of FM, TV and Weather Band (WX) stations logged in 2024 onward.

For those of you who are new, I'm based in the Columbia Basin of south central Washington, right smack in the middle of the Pacific Northwest region. Aside from DX, I am a geospatial professional (hence my ability to create this dashboard).

This all-in-one log page allows users to view all of my FM, TV and WX logs for any location I've been to.

Each receiver location is represented by a purple dot on the map. There are quite a few - I've been everywhere in 2024!

How To Use - It's Easy!

To get started, just click a receiver location on the map!

From there, you can access the log details by clicking on a station on the map, or on the station list!

* Station List (left panel) = Click on a station in the list or a marker on the map to view propagation details
* Callsign Search (top-left) = Search the station list by callsign
* Toggle Switch (top centre) = Toggles between displaying station markers individually or in clusters
* Legend (bottom-right) = Toggle on/off FM, WX and TV stations, as well as polyline, azimuth, radius and propagation layers
* Reset Button (top-righ Xt) = Resets the map to default map state. From there, you can select a new locaton

0.000000, 0.000000
Azimuth: -° (-) | Distance: - km (- mi)

Locations received:
2024 DX: